
Don’t Miss: Fantastic Beasts at London’s Natural History Museum


Fantastic Beasts, both real and magical, stalk London’s Natural History Museum until 3 January, revealing how mythical and imaginary creatures are inspired by real-life animals. With nods to all the connected films.


The Ascent of Information, by astronomer Caleb Scharf, argues that data of all sorts is really an aggregated organism, controlling our behaviour and evolving alongside us. Terrifyingly, it has goals and needs.

Courtesy of Curzon


Apples, directed by Christos Nikou, is a much-praised comedy-drama about a man developing a new identity after an amnesia pandemic. Available on demand from Curzon Home Cinema. See a full review on our website.

Source: Humans -

Electrohydraulic arachno-bot a fascinating lightweight

3200-year-old shrine in Turkey may be an ancient view of the cosmos