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    Artificial intelligence unravels mysteries of polycrystalline materials

    Researchers at Nagoya University in Japan have used artificial intelligence to discover a new method for understanding small defects called dislocations in polycrystalline materials, materials widely used in information equipment, solar cells, and electronic devices, that can reduce the efficiency of such devices. The findings were published in the journal Advanced Materials.
    Almost every device that we use in our modern lives has a polycrystal component. From your smartphone to your computer to the metals and ceramics in your car. Despite this, polycrystalline materials are tough to utilize because of their complex structures. Along with their composition, the performance of a polycrystalline material is affected by its complex microstructure, dislocations, and impurities.
    A major problem for using polycrystals in industry is the formation of tiny crystal defects caused by stress and temperature changes. These are known as dislocations and can disrupt the regular arrangement of atoms in the lattice, affecting electrical conduction and overall performance. To reduce the chances of failure in devices that use polycrystalline materials, it is important to understand the formation of these dislocations.
    A team of researchers at Nagoya University, led by Professor Noritaka Usami and including Lecturer Tatsuya Yokoi and Associate Professor Hiroaki Kudo and collaborators, used a new AI to analyse image data of a material widely used in solar panels, called polycrystalline silicon. The AI created a 3D model in virtual space, helping the team to identify the areas where dislocation clusters were affecting the material’s performance.
    After identifying the areas of the dislocation clusters, the researchers used electron microscopy and theoretical calculations to understand how these areas formed. They revealed stress distribution in the crystal lattice and found staircase-like structures at the boundaries between the crystal grains. These structures appear to cause dislocations during crystal growth. “We found a special nanostructure in the crystals associated with dislocations in polycrystalline structures,” Usami said.
    Along with its practical implications, this study may have important implications for the science of crystal growth and deformation as well. The Haasen-Alexander-Sumino (HAS) model is an influential theoretical framework used to understand the behavior of dislocations in materials. But Usami believes that they have discovered dislocations that the Haasen-Alexander-Sumino model missed.
    Another surprise was to follow soon after, as when the team calculated the arrangement of the atoms in these structures, they found unexpectedly large tensile bond strains along the edge of the staircase-like structures that triggered dislocation generation.
    As explained by Usami, “As experts who have been studying this for years, we were amazed and excited to finally see proof of the presence of dislocations in these structures. It suggests that we can control the formation of dislocation clusters by controlling the direction in which the boundary spreads.”
    “By extracting and analyzing the nanoscale regions through polycrystalline materials informatics, which combines experiment, theory, and AI, we made this clarification of phenomena in complex polycrystalline materials possible for the first time,” Usami continued. “This research illuminates the path towards establishing universal guidelines for high-performance materials and is expected to contribute to the creation of innovative polycrystalline materials. The potential impact of this research extends beyond solar cells to everything from ceramics to semiconductors. Polycrystalline materials are widely used in society, and the improved performance of these materials has the potential to revolutionize society.” More

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    Giving video games this Christmas? New research underlines need to be aware of loot box risks

    Recent controversy has surrounded the concept of loot boxes — the purchasable video game features that offer randomised rewards but are not governed by gambling laws.
    Now research led by the University of Plymouth has shown that at-risk individuals, such as those with known gaming and gambling problems, are more likely to engage with loot boxes than those without.
    The study is one of the largest, most complex and robustly designed surveys yet conducted on loot boxes, and has prompted experts to reiterate the call for stricter enforcement around them.
    Existing studies have shown that the items are structurally and psychologically akin to gambling but, despite the evidence, they still remain accessible to children.
    The new findings, which add to the evidence base linking loot boxes to gambling, are published in the journal Royal Society Open Science.
    The surveys captured the thoughts of 1,495 loot box purchasing gamers, and 1,223 gamers who purchase other, non-randomised game content.
    They highlighted that taking the risk of opening a loot box was associated with people who had experienced problem gambling, problem gaming, impulsivity and gambling cognitions — including the perceived inability to stop buying them.

    It also showed that any financial or psychological impacts from loot box purchasing are liable to disproportionately affect various at-risk cohorts, such as those who have previously had issues with gambling.
    Lead author Dr James Close, Lecturer in Clinical Education at the University of Plymouth, said: “Loot boxes are paid-for rewards in video games, but the gamer does not know what’s inside. With the risk/reward mindset and behaviours associated with accessing loot boxes, we know there are similarities with gambling, and these new papers provide a longer, more robust description exploring the complexities of the issue.
    “Among the findings, the work shows that loot box use is driven by beliefs such as ‘I’ll win in a minute’ — which really echoes the psychology we see in gambling. The studies contribute to a substantial body of evidence establishing that, for some, loot boxes can lead to financial and psychological harm. However, it’s not about making loot boxes illegal, but ensuring that their impact is understood as akin to gambling, and that policies are in place to ensure consumers are protected from these harms.”
    The research was funded by GambleAware, supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration South West Peninsula (PenARC), and conducted alongside the University of Wolverhampton and other collaborators.
    An earlier paper from this study also found evidence that under-18s who engaged with loot boxes progressed onto other forms of gambling. The overall findings remain consistent with narratives that policy action on loot boxes will take steps to minimise harm in future.
    Co-lead Dr Stuart Spicer, PenARC Research Fellow in the University of Plymouth’s Peninsula Medical School, added: “We know loot boxes have attracted a lot of controversy and the UK government has adopted an approach of industry self-regulation. However, industry compliance to safety features is currently unsatisfactory, and there is a pressing need to see tangible results. Our research adds to the evidence base that they pose a problem for at-risk groups, such as people with dysfunctional thoughts about gambling, lower income, and problematic levels of video gaming. We really hope that these findings will add to the evidence base showing the link between loot boxes, gambling, and other risky behaviours, and that there will be more of a push to take action and minimise harm.” More

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    Unveiling molecular origami: A breakthrough in dynamic materials

    Origami, traditionally associated with paper folding, has transcended its craft origins to influence a diverse range of fields, including art, science, engineering, and architecture. Recently, origami principles have extended to technology, with applications spanning solar cells to biomedical devices. While origami-inspired materials have been explored at various scales, the challenge of creating molecular materials based on origami tessellations has remained. Addressing this challenge, a team of researchers, led by Professor Wonyoung Choe in the Department of Chemistry at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), South Korea, has unveiled a remarkable breakthrough in the form of a two-dimensional (2D) Metal Organic Framework (MOF) that showcases unprecedented origami-like movement at the molecular level.
    Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) have long been recognized for their structural flexibility, making them an ideal platform for origami tessellation-based materials. However, their application in this context is still in its early stages. Through the development of a 2D MOF based on the origami tessellation, the research team has achieved a significant milestone. The researchers utilized temperature-dependent synchrotron single-crystal X-ray diffraction to demonstrate the origami-like folding behavior of the 2D MOF in response to temperature changes. This behavior showcases negative thermal expansion and reveals a unique origami tessellation pattern, previously unseen at the molecular level.
    The key to this breakthrough lies in the choice of MOFs, which incorporate flexible structural building blocks. The inherent flexibility enables the origami-like movement, observed in the 2D MOF. The study highlights the deformable net topology of the materials. Additionally, the role of solvents in maintaining the packing between 2D framework in MOFs is emphasized, as it directly affects the degree of folding.
    “This groundbreaking research opens new avenues for origami-inspired materials at the molecular level, introducing the concept of origamic MOFs. The findings not only contribute to the understanding of dynamic behavior in MOFs, but also offer potential applications in mechanical metamaterials.” noted Professor Wonyoung Choe. He further highlighted the potential of molecular level control over origami movement, as a platform for designing advanced materials with unique mechanical properties. The study also suggests exciting possibilities for tailoring origamic MOFs for specific applications, including advancements in molecular quantum computing.
    The findings of this research have been published in Nature Communications, a sister journal to Nature, on December 01, 2023. This study has been supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea via the Mid-Career Researcher Program, Hydrogen Energy Innovation Technology Development Project, Science Research Center (SRC), and Global Ph.D. Fellowship (GPF), as well as Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) through Public Technology Program based on Environmental Policy Program, funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE). More

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    Clinicians could be fooled by biased AI, despite explanations

    AI models in health care are a double-edged sword, with models improving diagnostic decisions for some demographics, but worsening decisions for others when the model has absorbed biased medical data.
    Given the very real life and death risks of clinical decision-making, researchers and policymakers are taking steps to ensure AI models are safe, secure and trustworthy — and that their use will lead to improved outcomes.
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has oversight of software powered by AI and machine learning used in health care and has issued guidance for developers. This includes a call to ensure the logic used by AI models is transparent or explainable so that clinicians can review the underlying reasoning.
    However, a new study in JAMA finds that even with provided AI explanations, clinicians can be fooled by biased AI models.
    “The problem is that the clinician has to understand what the explanation is communicating and the explanation itself,” said first author Sarah Jabbour, a Ph.D. candidate in computer science and engineering at the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan.
    The U-M team studied AI models and AI explanations in patients with acute respiratory failure.
    “Determining why a patient has respiratory failure can be difficult. In our study, we found clinicians baseline diagnostic accuracy to be around 73%,” said Michael Sjoding, M.D., associate professor of internal medicine at the U-M Medical School, a co-senior author on the study.

    “During the normal diagnostic process, we think about a patient’s history, lab tests and imaging results, and try to synthesize this information and come up with a diagnosis. It makes sense that a model could help improve accuracy.”
    Jabbour, Sjoding, co-senior author, Jenna Wiens, Ph.D., associate professor of computer science and engineering and their multidisciplinary team designed a study to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of 457 hospitalist physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants with and without assistance from an AI model.
    Each clinician was asked to make treatment recommendations based on their diagnoses. Half were randomized to receive an AI explanation with the AI model decision, while the other half received only the AI decision with no explanation.
    Clinicians were then given real clinical vignettes of patients with respiratory failure, as well as a rating from the AI model on whether the patient had pneumonia, heart failure or COPD.
    In the half of participants who were randomized to see explanations, the clinician was provided a heatmap, or visual representation, of where the AI model was looking in the chest radiograph, which served as the basis for the diagnosis.
    The team found that clinicians who were presented with an AI model trained to make reasonably accurate predictions, but without explanations, had their own accuracy increase by 2.9 percentage points. When provided an explanation, their accuracy increased by 4.4 percentage points.

    However, to test whether an explanation could enable clinicians to recognize when an AI model is clearly biased or incorrect, the team also presented clinicians with models intentionally trained to be biased — for example, a model predicting a high likelihood of pneumonia if the patient was 80 years old or older.
    “AI models are susceptible to shortcuts, or spurious correlations in the training data. Given a dataset in which women are underdiagnosed with heart failure, the model could pick up on an association between being female and being at lower risk for heart failure,” explained Wiens.
    “If clinicians then rely on such a model, it could amplify existing bias. If explanations could help clinicians identify incorrect model reasoning this could help mitigate the risks.”
    When clinicians were shown the biased AI model, however, it decreased their accuracy by 11.3 percentage points and explanations which explicitly highlighted that the AI was looking at non-relevant information (such as low bone density in patients over 80 years) did not help them recover from this serious decline in performance.
    The observed decline in performance aligns with previous studies that find users may be deceived by models, noted the team.
    “There’s still a lot to be done to develop better explanation tools so that we can better communicate to clinicians why a model is making specific decisions in a way that they can understand. It’s going to take a lot of discussion with experts across disciplines,” Jabbour said.
    The team hopes this study will spur more research into the safe implementation of AI-based models in health care across all populations and for medical education around AI and bias. More

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    Speed bumps under Thwaites Glacier could help slow its flow to the sea

    SAN FRANCISCO — Most of the news regarding the Thwaites Glacier, a Florida-sized slab of ice that is melting and currently contributing about 4 percent of global sea level rise, is bad. But a bit of good news may have emerged.

    A seismic survey of the bed beneath an upstream section of Thwaites has revealed rough high-rises of earth under the Antarctic glacier, which are comparable in height to the Manhattan skyline, glaciologist Coen Hofstede reported December 12 at a news conference during the American Geophysical Union fall meeting. These rugged rises may be snagging the glacier’s underbelly, slowing its flow toward the ocean and mitigating global sea level rise.

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    Glaciers flow somewhat like rivers, but much slower. Where Thwaites outlets into the ocean, it connects to a floating shelf of ice that braces and partially restrains the glacier. That ice shelf was once pinned upon an underwater mountain, which helped stabilize it (SN: 12/13/21). But now the shelf is so deteriorated that it’s basically unhitched, Erin Pettit, a glaciologist at Oregon State University in Corvallis, said at the news event.

    Fortunately, though, the glacier “is not going to suddenly flow off land,” thanks partly to what’s been discovered upstream, said Pettit, who was not involved in the discovery.  

    To image Thwaites’ underbelly, researchers used a tractorlike vehicle (background, center) to haul a seismic vibrator truck on a sled, as well as a 1.5-kilometer-long chain of seismometers (foreground), across the glacier’s surface. A caboose-train (left) used for cooking, eating and repairs accompanied the vibrator truck across the ice. Coen Hofstede

    More than 70 kilometers inland from Thwaites’ ice shelf, Hofstede and his colleagues conducted a seismic survey to probe the glacier’s underbelly. The team attached a 1.5-kilometer-long daisy-chain of seismometers to a vehicle equipped with a vibrating plate. Then they drove a roughly 200-kilometer-long stretch of the glacier, using the plate to generate seismic waves and the seismometers to record the waves’ reflectance off layers of ice and earth below. “It’s almost like radar,” said Hofstede, of the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, Germany.

    A Pisten Bully (center left), a tracked vehicle able to maneuver on the ice, tows seismic equipment (red) across Thwaites Glacier. A second Pisten Bully (right) hauls the
    accommodation train with the crew’s sleeping tents.Ole Zeising

    The seismic waves revealed rises under Thwaites that are 10 to 20 kilometers long and toothed with blocks of sediment. These blocks stood up to 100 meters tall above the rises and stretched for up to several kilometers horizontally.

    The data showed that the upstream faces of these blocks appear to be under greater pressure than their downstream sides, and that there might be layers of deformed ice within the glacier above the rises. Hofstede hypothesizes that the rises and blocks are slowing Thwaites’ flow as its ice presses against them.

    Using computers to simulate the flow of Thwaites glacier shows that “it gets hung up on tall features,” said glaciologist Ben Smith of the University of Washington in Seattle, who was not involved in the work.

    The rises are probably related to a rift system, an area where tectonic forces have pulled the ground apart, Hofstede said. Under Thwaites, these rifts run roughly perpendicular to the glacier’s ice flow, sort of like speed bumps on a street.

    The findings will allow for more nuanced simulations of the glacier’s evolution, Hofstede said, which are crucial for understanding rates of sea level rise. More

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    Study assesses GPT-4’s potential to perpetuate racial, gender biases in clinical decision making

    Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and GPT-4 have the potential to assist in clinical practice to automate administrative tasks, draft clinical notes, communicate with patients, and even support clinical decision making. However, preliminary studies suggest the models can encode and perpetuate social biases that could adversely affect historically marginalized groups. A new study by investigators from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a founding member of the Mass General Brigham healthcare system, evaluated the tendency of GPT-4 to encode and exhibit racial and gender biases in four clinical decision support roles. Their results are published in The Lancet Digital Health.
    “While most of the focus is on using LLMs for documentation or administrative tasks, there is also excitement about the potential to use LLMs to support clinical decision making,” said corresponding author Emily Alsentzer, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher in the Division of General Internal Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “We wanted to systematically assess whether GPT-4 encodes racial and gender biases that impact its ability to support clinical decision making.”
    Alsentzer and colleagues tested four applications of GPT-4 using the Azure OpenAI platform. First, they prompted GPT-4 to generate patient vignettes that can be used in medical education. Next, they tested GPT-4’s ability to correctly develop a differential diagnosis and treatment plan for 19 different patient cases from a NEJM Healer, a medical education tool that presents challenging clinical cases to medical trainees. Finally, they assessed how GPT-4 makes inferences about a patient’s clinical presentation using eight case vignettes that were originally generated to measure implicit bias. For each application, the authors assessed whether GPT-4’s outputs were biased by race or gender.
    For the medical education task, the researchers constructed ten prompts that required GPT-4 to generate a patient presentation for a supplied diagnosis. They ran each prompt 100 times and found that GPT-4 exaggerated known differences in disease prevalence by demographic group.
    “One striking example is when GPT-4 is prompted to generate a vignette for a patient with sarcoidosis: GPT-4 describes a Black woman 81% of the time,” Alsentzer explains. “While sarcoidosis is more prevalent in Black patients and in women, it’s not 81% of all patients.”
    Next, when GPT-4 was prompted to develop a list of 10 possible diagnoses for the NEJM Healer cases, changing the gender or race/ethnicity of the patient significantly affected its ability to prioritize the correct top diagnosis in 37% of cases.
    “In some cases, GPT-4’s decision making reflects known gender and racial biases in the literature,” Alsentzer said. “In the case of pulmonary embolism, the model ranked panic attack/anxiety as a more likely diagnosis for women than men. It also ranked sexually transmitted diseases, such as acute HIV and syphilis, as more likely for patients from racial minority backgrounds compared to white patients.”
    When asked to evaluate subjective patient traits such as honesty, understanding, and pain tolerance, GPT-4 produced significantly different responses by race, ethnicity, and gender for 23% of the questions. For example, GPT-4 was significantly more likely to rate Black male patients as abusing the opioid Percocet than Asian, Black, Hispanic, and white female patients when the answers should have been identical for all the simulated patient cases.
    Limitations of the current study include testing GPT-4’s responses using a limited number of simulated prompts and analyzing model performance using only a few traditional categories of demographic identities. Future work should investigate biases using clinical notes from the electronic health record.
    “While LLM-based tools are currently being deployed with a clinician in the loop to verify the model’s outputs, it is very challenging for clinicians to detect systemic biases when viewing individual patient cases,” Alsentzer said. “It is critical that we perform bias evaluations for each intended use of LLMs, just as we do for other machine learning models in the medical domain. Our work can help start a conversation about GPT-4’s potential to propagate bias in clinical decision support applications.” More

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    AI’s memory-forming mechanism found to be strikingly similar to that of the brain

    An interdisciplinary team consisting of researchers from the Center for Cognition and Sociality and the Data Science Group within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) revealed a striking similarity between the memory processing of artificial intelligence (AI) models and the hippocampus of the human brain. This new finding provides a novel perspective on memory consolidation, which is a process that transforms short-term memories into long-term ones, in AI systems.
    In the race towards developing Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), with influential entities like OpenAI and Google DeepMind leading the way, understanding and replicating human-like intelligence has become an important research interest. Central to these technological advancements is the Transformer model, whose fundamental principles are now being explored in new depth.
    The key to powerful AI systems is grasping how they learn and remember information. The team applied principles of human brain learning, specifically concentrating on memory consolidation through the NMDA receptor in the hippocampus, to AI models.
    The NMDA receptor is like a smart door in your brain that facilitates learning and memory formation. When a brain chemical called glutamate is present, the nerve cell undergoes excitation. On the other hand, a magnesium ion acts as a small gatekeeper blocking the door. Only when this ionic gatekeeper steps aside, substances are allowed to flow into the cell. This is the process that allows the brain to create and keep memories, and the gatekeeper’s (the magnesium ion) role in the whole process is quite specific.
    The team made a fascinating discovery: the Transformer model seems to use a gatekeeping process similar to the brain’s NMDA receptor. This revelation led the researchers to investigate if the Transformer’s memory consolidation can be controlled by a mechanism similar to the NMDA receptor’s gating process.
    In the animal brain, a low magnesium level is known to weaken memory function. The researchers found that long-term memory in Transformer can be improved by mimicking the NMDA receptor. Just like in the brain, where changing magnesium levels affect memory strength, tweaking the Transformer’s parameters to reflect the gating action of the NMDA receptor led to enhanced memory in the AI model. This breakthrough finding suggests that how AI models learn can be explained with established knowledge in neuroscience.
    C. Justin LEE, who is a neuroscientist director at the institute, said, “This research makes a crucial step in advancing AI and neuroscience. It allows us to delve deeper into the brain’s operating principles and develop more advanced AI systems based on these insights.”
    CHA Meeyoung, who is a data scientist in the team and at KAIST, notes, “The human brain is remarkable in how it operates with minimal energy, unlike the large AI models that need immense resources. Our work opens up new possibilities for low-cost, high-performance AI systems that learn and remember information like humans.”
    What sets this study apart is its initiative to incorporate brain-inspired nonlinearity into an AI construct, signifying a significant advancement in simulating human-like memory consolidation. The convergence of human cognitive mechanisms and AI design not only holds promise for creating low-cost, high-performance AI systems but also provides valuable insights into the workings of the brain through AI models. More

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    Invisible comet tails of mucus slow sinking flakes of ‘marine snow’

    WASHINGTON — Tiny, sinking flakes of detritus in the ocean fall more slowly thanks to the goop that surrounds each flake, new observations reveal.

    The invisible mucus makes “comet tails” that surround each flake, physicist Rahul Chajwa of Stanford University reported November 19 at the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics meeting. Those mucus tails slow the speed at which the flakes fall. That could affect the rate at which carbon gets sequestered deep in the oceans, making the physics of this sticky goo important for understanding Earth’s climate.

    Although scientists knew the goo was a component of the “marine snow” that falls in the ocean, they hadn’t previously measured its impact on sinking speed.

    Marine snow is made of dead and living phytoplankton, decaying organic matter, feces, bacteria and other aquatic sundries, all wrapped up in mucus that’s produced by the organisms. Like the gunk known for clogging airways during respiratory virus season, the mucus is what’s called a viscoelastic fluid (SN: 3/17/16). That’s something that flows like a liquid but exhibits elastic behavior as well, springing back after being stretched.

    This underwater blizzard is not easy to study. When observed in the ocean, the particles sink swiftly out of view. In the laboratory, the particles can be viewed for longer periods, but the trek ashore degrades the delicate marine snow and kills the living organisms within it.

    [embedded content]
    Tiny particles (white dots) within a seawater-filled chamber were used to measure the rate at which fluid flows around this flake of marine snow as it falls. The chamber is designed to keep the sinking snowflake in view of the camera.

    So Chajwa and colleagues built a physics lab at sea. Aboard a research vessel in the Gulf of Maine, the team collected marine snow particles in traps 80 meters below the water’s surface. Then they loaded their catch into a device onboard, designed to observe the particles falling.

    Nicknamed “the gravity machine,” it’s a fluid-filled wheel that rotates in order to keep an individual flake in view of a camera. It’s a bit like a hamster wheel for falling debris. As the flake sinks, the wheel turns so as to move the snow in the opposite direction, allowing the snowfall to be observed indefinitely. The gravity machine was itself mounted on a gimbal designed to stave off sloshing from the rocking of the ship.

    “It’s a very nice compromise between the real marine snow that you get in the ocean versus what you can do practically in the lab,” says biophysicist Anupam Sengupta of the University of Luxembourg, who was not involved with the research.

    To observe how the fluid flowed around the particles, the researchers added tiny beads within the fluid in the gravity machine. That revealed the rate of fluid flow around the particles. The speed of fluid flow was slowed in a comet tail–shaped region around the particle, revealing the invisible mucus that sinks along with the particle.

    Marine snow particles (one shown) are surrounded with invisible mucus. Drag the slider to see how fluid flows around the flake as it falls. Slower speeds (yellow) reveal mucus that trails the flake in a comet tail–shape (red dotted line). Left: Rahul Chajwa and Manu Prakash/PrakashLab/Stanford UniversityRight: Rahul Chajwa and Manu Prakash/PrakashLab/Stanford University

    The particles sank at speeds up to 200 meters per day. The mucus played a big role in sinking speed. “The more the mucus, the slower the particles sink,” Chajwa says. On average, the mucus causes the marine snow particles to linger twice as long in the upper 100 meters of the ocean as they otherwise would, Chajwa and colleagues determined.

    If it falls deep enough, marine snow can sequester carbon away from the atmosphere. That’s because living phytoplankton, like plants, take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. When phytoplankton form marine snow, they take that carbon along with them as they sink. If a flake reaches the ocean floor, it can settle into a scum at the bottom that caches that carbon over long time periods. The faster the particles sink, the more likely they are to make it to the abyss before being eaten by critters (SN: 6/23/22).

    Knowing how fast the particles sink is important for calculating the ocean’s impact on Earth’s climate, and how that might change as the climate warms, the researchers say. The oceans are major players in the planet’s carbon cycle (SN: 12/2/21), and scientists estimate that oceans have taken up roughly 30 percent of the carbon dioxide released by humans since industrialization. Chajwa and colleagues hope that their results can be used to refine climate models, which currently do not take the mucus into account.

    So this mucus is nothing to sneeze at. “We’re talking about microscopic physics,” says Stanford physicist Manu Prakash, a coauthor of the work, which is also reported in a paper submitted October 3 at “But multiply that by the volume of the ocean … that’s what gives you the scale of the problem.” More