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    How does materialism in social media trigger stress and unhappiness?

    The researchers headed by Dr. Phillip Ozimek from the Faculty of Psychology at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, recruited 1,230 people for their online survey. In order to participate, respondents had to use at least one social media channel at least once a week. On average, the participants stated that they spent just over two hours a day on social media.
    The research team used six different questionnaires to determine the extent to which the participants had a materialistic attitude and tended to compare themselves with others, whether they used social media more actively or passively, whether they were addicted to social media, how stressed and how satisfied they were with their lives.
    Downward spiral set in motion
    “The data showed that a stronger materialistic approach goes hand in hand with a tendency to compare oneself with others,” points out Phillip Ozimek. This comparison is very easy to make on social media, primarily through passive use, i.e. by looking at the content posted by other users. Materialism and passive use were also linked to addictive use of social media. “By this we mean, for example, that users are constantly thinking about the respective channels and fear that they are missing out on something if they are not online,” explains Phillip Ozimek. This in turn leads to symptoms of poorer mental health, i.e. stress. The final link in the chain is reduced life satisfaction. “Social media is one of six stepping stones to unhappiness,” concludes Phillip Ozimek.
    Social media attracts and breeds materialists
    “Overall, the study provides further evidence that the use of social media is associated with risks, especially for people with a highly materialistic mindset,” says the psychologist. This is particularly worrying, because social media can trigger and increase materialistic values, for example through (influencer) marketing. At the same time, the platforms attract materialists anyway, as they are a perfect way to satisfy many materialistic needs.
    “It’s definitely a good idea to be aware of the amount of time you spend on social media and to reduce it,” recommends Phillip Ozimek. He advises against giving up Social Media completely. “If you did, you’re likely to overcompensate.” The research team also suggests recording materialism and social media use in patients undergoing treatment for mental health disorders. “While these factors are often irrelevant, they can be a starting point for additional interventions that patients can try out at home.” More

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    AI can boost service for vulnerable customers

    Artificial intelligence has become the Swiss Army knife of the business world, a universal tool for increasing sales, optimizing efficiency, and interacting with customers. But new research from Texas McCombs explores another purpose for AI in business: to contribute to the social good.
    It can do so by helping businesses better serve vulnerable consumers: anyone in the marketplace who experiences limited access to and control of resources.
    “AI is widely recognized for its operational and financial benefits, but it also holds promise for harnessing social good and helping businesses adopt socially responsible practices,” says co-author Gizem Yalcin Williams, Texas McCombs assistant professor of marketing.
    With Erik Hermann of ESCP Business School in Berlin and Stefano Puntoni of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, Williams devised an AI framework that businesses can use to identify vulnerable consumers, address their specific needs, and mitigate potential discrimination and inequalities.
    By making customer service more accessible, more interactive, and more dynamic, Williams says, AI can help vulnerable consumers improve their understanding of specific information so that they can make better decisions for themselves. For example, there are already AI tools businesses can use to analyze consumer voice and reactions, while providing real-time feedback to customer service representatives, along with tips to improve the interaction. Key concepts of the framework include:
    We’re All Vulnerable (Sometimes). Rather than always being an ongoing condition, vulnerability may be a dynamic state that can come and go. Cognitive and physical limitations can compromise a person’s judgment, but so can emotional distress, such as suffering a layoff, breakup, or death in the family.
    “Vulnerability can differ in duration and intensity, but literally every consumer can be vulnerable,” Williams says.

    This revised definition of vulnerability opens new doors for AI technologies to do social good, she adds. “With advancements in machine learning and natural language processing algorithms, AI is uniquely positioned to identify vulnerable consumers and to help employees better serve and empower these customers.”
    Rating Risk. Recent reports indicate that customer service agents are often unaware when they interact with vulnerable consumers. But AI can perform real-time analysis of consumer chat responses and use cues to build a risk score for agents.
    Targeting Extra Support. When AI detects vulnerability, it can offer customer service agents customized tips and suggest special measures. For example, if a consumer shows signs of being overwhelmed or having trouble processing information, AI can recommend that agents explain options in simple terms, along with their pros and cons.
    Positive Ripple Effects. Designing and integrating AI into customer service requires investment. But by detecting vulnerability and guiding consumers through vulnerable times, businesses can harvest bothfinancial and reputational benefits.
    “Doing good often pays off,” Williams says. “When effectively implemented, businesses utilizing AI to empower their vulnerable customers can expect a positive spillover, fostering increased loyalty, improved customer satisfaction, and boosted profits.”
    “Deploying Artificial Intelligence in Services to AID Vulnerable Consumers” is published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. More

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    Towards the quantum of sound

    The quantum ground state of an acoustic wave of a certain frequency can be reached by completely cooling the system. In this way, the number of quantum particles, the so-called acoustic phonons, which cause disturbance to quantum measurements, can be reduced to almost zero and the gap between classical and quantum mechanics bridged.
    Over the past decade, major technological advances have been made, making it possible to put a wide variety of systems into this state. Mechanical vibrations oscillating between two mirrors in a resonator can be cooled to very low temperatures as far as the quantum ground state. This has not yet been possible for optical fibers in which high-frequency sound waves can propagate. Now researchers from the Stiller Research Group have taken a step closer to this goal.
    In their study, recently published in Physical Review Letters, they report that they were able to lower the temperature of a sound wave in an optical fiber initially at room temperature by 219 K using laser cooling, ten times further than had previously been reported. Ultimately, the initial phonon number was reduced by 75%, at a temperature of 74 K, -194 Celsius. Such a drastic reduction in temperature was made possible by the use of laser light. Cooling of the propagating sound waves was achieved via the nonlinear optical effect of stimulated Brillouin scattering, in which light waves are efficiently coupled to sound waves. Through this effect, the laser light cools the acoustic vibrations and creates an environment with less thermal noise which is, to an extent, “disturbing” noise for a quantum communication system, for example. “An interesting advantage of glass fibers, in addition to this strong interaction, is the fact that they can conduct light and sound excellently over long distances,” says Laura Blázquez Martínez, one of the lead authors of the article and a doctoral student in the Stiller research group.
    Most physical platforms previously brought to the quantum ground state were microscopic. However, in this experiment, the length of the optical fiber was 50 cm and a sound wave extending over the full 50 cm of the core of the fiber was cooled to extremely low temperatures. “These results are a very exciting step towards the quantum ground state in waveguides and the manipulation of such long acoustic phonons opens up possibilities for broadband applications in quantum technology,” according to Dr. Birgit Stiller, head of the quantum optoacoustics group.
    Sound, in the day-to-day classical world, can be understood as a density wave in a medium. However, from the perspective of quantum mechanics, sound can also be described as a particle: the phonon. This particle, the sound quantum, represents the smallest amount of energy which occurs as an acoustic wave at a certain frequency. In order to see and study single quanta of sound, the number of phonons must be minimized. The transition from the classical to quantum behavior of sound is often more easily observed in the quantum ground state, where the number of phonons is close to zero on average, such that the vibrations are almost frozen and quantum effects can be measured. Stiller: “This opens the door to a new landscape of experiments that allow us to gain deeper insights into the fundamental nature of matter.” The advantage of using a waveguide system is that light and sound are not bound between two mirrors, but propagating along the waveguide. The acoustic waves exist as a continuum — not only for certain frequencies — and can have a broad bandwidth, making them promising for applications such as high-speed communication systems.
    “We are very enthusiastic about the new insights that pushing these fibers into the quantum ground state will bring,” emphasizes the research group leader. “Not only from the fundamental research point of view, allowing us to peek into the quantum nature of extended objects, but also because of the applications this could have in quantum communications schemes and future quantum technologies.” More

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    Self-powered sensor automatically harvests magnetic energy

    MIT researchers have developed a battery-free, self-powered sensor that can harvest energy from its environment.
    Because it requires no battery that must be recharged or replaced, and because it requires no special wiring, such a sensor could be embedded in a hard-to-reach place, like inside the inner workings of a ship’s engine. There, it could automatically gather data on the machine’s power consumption and operations for long periods of time.
    The researchers built a temperature-sensing device that harvests energy from the magnetic field generated in the open air around a wire. One could simply clip the sensor around a wire that carries electricity — perhaps the wire that powers a motor — and it will automatically harvest and store energy which it uses to monitor the motor’s temperature.
    “This is ambient power — energy that I don’t have to make a specific, soldered connection to get. And that makes this sensor very easy to install,” says Steve Leeb, the Emanuel E. Landsman Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and professor of mechanical engineering, a member of the Research Laboratory of Electronics, and senior author of a paper on the energy-harvesting sensor.
    In the paper, which appeared as the featured article in the January issue of the IEEE Sensors Journal, the researchers offer a design guide for an energy-harvesting sensor that lets an engineer balance the available energy in the environment with their sensing needs.
    The paper lays out a roadmap for the key components of a device that can sense and control the flow of energy continually during operation.
    The versatile design framework is not limited to sensors that harvest magnetic field energy, and can be applied to those that use other power sources, like vibrations or sunlight. It could be used to build networks of sensors for factories, warehouses, and commercial spaces that cost less to install and maintain.

    “We have provided an example of a battery-less sensor that does something useful, and shown that it is a practically realizable solution. Now others will hopefully use our framework to get the ball rolling to design their own sensors,” says lead author Daniel Monagle, an EECS graduate student.
    Monagle and Leeb are joined on the paper by EECS graduate student Eric Ponce.
    A how-to guide
    The researchers had to meet three key challenges to develop an effective, battery-free, energy-harvesting sensor.
    First, the system must be able to cold start, meaning it can fire up its electronics with no initial voltage. They accomplished this with a network of integrated circuits and transistors that allow the system to store energy until it reaches a certain threshold. The system will only turn on once it has stored enough power to fully operate.
    Second, the system must store and convert the energy it harvests efficiently, and without a battery. While the researchers could have included a battery, that would add extra complexities to the system and could pose a fire risk.

    “You might not even have the luxury of sending out a technician to replace a battery. Instead, our system is maintenance-free. It harvests energy and operates itself,” Monagle adds.
    To avoid using a battery, they incorporate internal energy storage that can include a series of capacitors. Simpler than a battery, a capacitor stores energy in the electrical field between conductive plates. Capacitors can be made from a variety of materials, and their capabilities can be tuned to a range of operating conditions, safety requirements, and available space.
    The team carefully designed the capacitors so they are big enough to store the energy the device needs to turn on and start harvesting power, but small enough that the charge-up phase doesn’t take too long.
    In addition, since a sensor might go weeks or even months before turning on to take a measurement, they ensured the capacitors can hold enough energy even if some leaks out over time.
    Finally, they developed a series of control algorithms that dynamically measure and budget the energy collected, stored, and used by the device. A microcontroller, the “brain” of the energy management interface, constantly checks how much energy is stored and infers whether to turn the sensor on or off, take a measurement, or kick the harvester into a higher gear so it can gather more energy for more complex sensing needs.
    “Just like when you change gears on a bike, the energy management interface looks at how the harvester is doing, essentially seeing whether it is pedaling too hard or too soft, and then it varies the electronic load so it can maximize the amount of power it is harvesting and match the harvest to the needs of the sensor,” Monagle explains.
    Self-powered sensor
    Using this design framework, they built an energy management circuit for an off-the-shelf temperature sensor. The device harvests magnetic field energy and uses it to continually sample temperature data, which it sends to a smartphone interface using Bluetooth.
    The researchers used super-low-power circuits to design the device, but quickly found that these circuits have tight restrictions on how much voltage they can withstand before breaking down. Harvesting too much power could cause the device to explode.
    To avoid that, their energy harvester operating system in the microcontroller automatically adjusts or reduces the harvest if the amount of stored energy becomes excessive.
    They also found that communication — transmitting data gathered by the temperature sensor — was by far the most power-hungry operation.
    “Ensuring the sensor has enough stored energy to transmit data is a constant challenge that involves careful design,” Monagle says.
    In the future, the researchers plan to explore less energy-intensive means of transmitting data, such as using optics or acoustics. They also want to more rigorously model and predict how much energy might be coming into a system, or how much energy a sensor might need to take measurements, so a device could effectively gather even more data.
    “If you only make the measurements you think you need, you may miss something really valuable. With more information, you might be able to learn something you didn’t expect about a device’s operations. Our framework lets you balance those considerations,” Leeb says.
    The work is supported, in part, by the Office of Naval Research and The Grainger Foundation. More

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    Researchers create faster and cheaper way to print tiny metal structures with light

    Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a light-based means of printing nano-sized metal structures that is significantly faster and cheaper than any technology currently available. It is a scalable solution that could transform a scientific field long reliant on technologies that are prohibitively expensive and slow. The breakthrough has the potential to bring new technologies out of labs and into the world.
    Technological advances in many fields rely on the ability to print metallic structures that are nano-sized — a scale hundreds of times smaller than the width of a human hair. Sourabh Saha, assistant professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, and Jungho Choi, a Ph.D. student in Saha’s lab, developed a technique for printing metal nanostructures that is 480 times faster and 35 times cheaper than the current conventional method.
    Their research was published in the journal Advanced Materials.
    Printing metal on the nanoscale — a technique known as nanopatterning — allows for the creation of unique structures with interesting functions. It is crucial for the development of many technologies, including electronic devices, solar energy conversion, sensors, and other systems.
    It is generally believed that high-intensity light sources are required for nanoscale printing. But this type of tool, known as a femtosecond laser, can cost up to half a million dollars and is too expensive for most research labs and small businesses.
    “As a scientific community, we don’t have the ability to make enough of these nanomaterials quickly and affordably, and that is why promising technologies often stay limited to the lab and don’t get translated into real-world applications,” Saha said.
    “The question we wanted to answer is, ‘Do we really need a high-intensity femtosecond laser to print on the nanoscale?’ Our hypothesis was that we don’t need that light source to get the type of printing we want.”
    They searched for a low-cost, low-intensity light that could be focused in a way similar to femtosecond lasers, and chose superluminescent light emitting diodes (SLEDs) for their commercial availability. SLEDs emit light that is a billion times less intense than that of femtosecond lasers.

    Saha and Choi set out to create an original projection-style printing technology, designing a system that converts digital images into optical images and displays them on a glass surface. The system operates like digital projectors but produces images that are more sharply focused. They leveraged the unique properties of the superluminescent light to generate sharply focused images with minimal defects.
    They then developed a clear ink solution made up of metal salt and added other chemicals to make sure the liquid could absorb light. When light from their projection system hit the solution, it caused a chemical reaction that converted the salt solution into metal. The metal nanoparticles stuck to the surface of the glass, and the agglomeration of the metal particles creates the nanostructures. Because it is a projection type of printing, it can print an entire structure in one go, rather than point by point — making it much faster.
    After testing the technique, they found that projection-style nanoscale printing is possible even with low-intensity light, but only if the images are sharply focused. Saha and Choi believe that researchers can readily replicate their work using commercially available hardware. Unlike a pricey femtosecond laser, the type of SLED that Saha and Choi used in their printer costs about $3,000.
    “At present, only top universities have access to these expensive technologies, and even then, they are located in shared facilities and are not always available,” Choi said. “We want to democratize the capability of nanoscale 3D printing, and we hope our research opens the door for greater access to this type of process at a low cost.”
    The researchers say their technique will be particularly useful for people working in the fields of electronics, optics, and plasmonics, which all require a variety of complex metallic nanostructures.
    “I think the metrics of cost and speed have been greatly undervalued in the scientific community that works on fabrication and manufacturing of tiny structures,” Saha said.
    “In the real world, these metrics are important when it comes to translating discoveries from the lab to industry. Only when we have manufacturing techniques that take these metrics into account will we be able to fully leverage nanotechnology for societal benefit.” More

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    New York City virus database may advance research into factors contributing to respiratory illness severity

    Viral respiratory infections are a significant public health concern. A study publishing January 18 in the open access journal PLOS Biology by Marta Galanti at Columbia University, New York, United States and colleagues used longitudinal cohort data to create an interactive, publicly-available website, The Virome of Manhattan Project: Virome Data Explorer to visualize cohort characteristics, infection events, and illness severity factors.
    Viral respiratory infections may lead to severe outcomes. However, better understanding of host response, host genetic makeup, and bacterial coinfections is required to develop effective therapeutics. In order to contribute to epidemiological research on factors contributing to disease severity, the researchers conducted a longitudinal cohort study, surveilling respiratory viruses for 19 months between 2016-2018 in New York City. They analyzed over 800 nasopharyngeal samples with clinical data, including self-reported symptoms from 214 participants. From these data, researchers created the Virome Data Explorer, a publicly-available database. Users can access cohort data to visualize and analyze changes and patterns in infections, symptoms, and illness outcomes.
    While the database shares important cohort data related to infections, symptoms, and gene activity, the project has several limitations. Adults over the age of 65 were excluded from the cohort, even though according to the authors, respiratory viruses may lead to “extremely serious complications, particularly in infants, elders, and immunocompromised hosts.” Ages of children under 10 were not stratified, obscuring symptom and illness information specific to infants, another high-risk demographic. Vaccination status, immunocompromised conditions, and medicine uptake during infection course were also not among the data collected from study participants, which may limit the applications of the Virome Data Explorer.
    According to the authors, “We present a cohort study, consisting of hundreds of samples, that depicts the transcriptional changes driven by respiratory viral infection. We have compiled these data to build a publicly-available, user-friendly web-based resource where any user can compare, longitudinally over the course of 19 months, patterns of viral positivity, symptomatology and transcriptomic changes for the individuals enrolled.”
    The authors add, “This is a resource paper aiming at characterizing the host response to common and often asymptomatic viral respiratory infections. We collected and made available a 2-year longitudinal dataset including molecular data and symptoms records for over 100 participants from different age groups in NYC.” More

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    Mini-robots modeled on insects may be smallest, lightest, fastest ever developed

    Two insect-like robots, a mini-bug and a water strider, developed at Washington State University, are the smallest, lightest and fastest fully functional micro-robots ever known to be created.
    Such miniature robots could someday be used for work in areas such as artificial pollination, search and rescue, environmental monitoring, micro-fabrication or robotic-assisted surgery. Reporting on their work in the proceedings of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society’s International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, the mini-bug weighs in at eight milligrams while the water strider weighs 55 milligrams. Both can move at about six millimeters a second.
    “That is fast compared to other micro-robots at this scale although it still lags behind their biological relatives,” said Conor Trygstad, a PhD student in the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering and lead author on the work. An ant typically weighs up to five milligrams and can move at almost a meter per second.
    The key to the tiny robots is their tiny actuators that make the robots move. Trygstad used a new fabrication technique to miniaturize the actuator down to less than a milligram, the smallest ever known to have been made.
    “The actuators are the smallest and fastest ever developed for micro-robotics,” said Néstor O. Pérez-Arancibia, Flaherty Associate Professor in Engineering at WSU’s School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering who led the project.
    The actuator uses a material called a shape memory alloy that is able to change shapes when it’s heated. It is called ‘shape memory’ because it remembers and then returns to its original shape. Unlike a typical motor that would move a robot, these alloys don’t have any moving parts or spinning components.
    “They’re very mechanically sound,” said Trygstad. “The development of the very lightweight actuator opens up new realms in micro-robotics.”
    Shape memory alloys are not generally used for large-scale robotic movement because they are too slow. In the case of the WSU robots, however, the actuators are made of two tiny shape memory alloy wires that are 1/1000 of an inch in diameter. With a small amount of current, the wires can be heated up and cooled easily, allowing the robots to flap their fins or move their feet at up to 40 times per second. In preliminary tests, the actuator was also able to lift more than 150 times its own weight.

    Compared to other technologies used to make robots move, the SMA technology also requires only a very small amount of electricity or heat to make them move.
    “The SMA system requires a lot less sophisticated systems to power them,” said Trygstad.
    Trygstad, an avid fly fisherman, has long observed water striders and would like to further study their movements. While the WSU water strider robot does a flat flapping motion to move itself, the natural insect does a more efficient rowing motion with its legs, which is one of the reasons that the real thing can move much faster.
    The researchers would like to copy another insect and develop a water strider-type robot that can move across the top of the water surface as well as just under it. They are also working to use tiny batteries or catalytic combustion to make their robots fully autonomous and untethered from a power supply. More

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    Machine learning method speeds up discovery of green energy materials

    Researchers at Kyushu University, in collaboration with Osaka University and the Fine Ceramics Center, have developed a framework that uses machine learning to speed up the discovery of materials for green energy technology. Using the new approach, the researchers identified and successfully synthesized two new candidate materials for use in solid oxide fuel cells — devices that can generate energy using fuels like hydrogen, which don’t emit carbon dioxide. Their findings, which were reported in the journal, Advanced Energy Materials, could also be used to accelerate the search for other innovative materials beyond the energy sector.
    In response to a warming climate, researchers have been developing new ways to generate energy without using fossil fuels. “One path to carbon neutrality is by creating a hydrogen society. However, as well as optimizing how hydrogen is made, stored and transported, we also need to boost the power-generating efficiency of hydrogen fuel cells,” explains Professor Yoshihiro Yamazaki, of Kyushu University’s Department of Materials Science and Technology, Platform of Inter-/Transdisciplinary Energy Research (Q-PIT).
    To generate an electric current, solid oxide fuel cells need to be able to efficiently conduct hydrogen ions (or protons) through a solid material, known as an electrolyte. Currently, research into new electrolyte materials has focused on oxides with very specific crystal arrangements of atoms, known as a perovskite structure.
    “The first proton-conducting oxide discovered was in a perovskite structure, and new high-performing perovskites are continually being reported,” says Professor Yamazaki. “But we want to expand the discovery of solid electrolytes to non-perovskite oxides, which also have the capability of conducting protons very efficiently.”
    However, discovering proton-conducting materials with alternative crystal structures via traditional “trial and error” methods has numerous limitations. For an electrolyte to gain the ability to conduct protons, small traces of another substance, known as a dopant, must be added to the base material. But with many promising base and dopant candidates — each with different atomic and electronic properties — finding the optimal combination that enhances proton conductivity becomes difficult and time-consuming.
    Instead, the researchers calculated the properties of different oxides and dopants. They then used machine learning to analyze the data, identify the factors that impact the proton conductivity of a material, and predict potential combinations.
    Guided by these factors, the researchers then synthesized two promising materials, each with unique crystal structures, and assessed how well they conducted protons. Remarkably, both materials demonstrated proton conductivity in just a single experiment.
    One of the materials, the researchers highlighted, is the first-known proton conductor with a sillenite crystal structure. The other, which has a eulytite structure, has a high-speed proton conduction path that is distinct from the conduction paths seen in perovskites. Currently, the performance of these oxides as electrolytes is low, but with further exploration, the research team believes their conductivity can be improved.
    “Our framework has the potential to greatly expand the search space for proton-conducting oxides, and therefore significantly accelerate advancements in solid oxide fuel cells. It’s a promising step forward to realizing a hydrogen society,” concludes Professor Yamazaki. “With minor modifications, this framework could also be adapted to other fields of materials science, and potentially accelerate the development of many innovative materials.” More