
Quiz of the year: Can you recall the quirkier stories of 2021?

Manoj Shah/Getty Images

1 In August, we learned that bumblebees are better at foraging for nectar when given which substance?

A Methamphetamine

B Caffeine

C Cocaine

D Nicotine

2 In October, we visited Finland to see how it plans a bioeconomy that runs on wood. But which of the following wood technologies did we not report on this year?

A Transparent wood for energy-saving windows

B Extra-sharp wooden knives

C Posture-correcting stairs

D Electricity-generating floors

3 Which event millions of years ago may be responsible for determining the character of today’s Amazon rainforest, according to a study we covered in April?


Source: Humans -

Exotic quantum particles — less magnetic field required

Neanderthals may have cleared a European forest with fire or tools