A brain implant promises to boost multitasking in We Are Satellites
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We Are Satellites
Head of Zeus
CAN we really trust a company seeking to put wires in our brains? And is it worth suspending any mistrust for the sake of our children’s futures? These are the deep, real-life questions posed by award-winning author Sarah Pinsker in her second sci-fi novel, We Are Satellites.
The story follows a family of four as they become increasingly entangled in the debate on a brain-boosting implant called the Pilot. Pinsker skilfully takes us on a journey that is about far more than mere technology as the Pilot becomes part of everyday life, from schools to government offices.
The novel excels at integrating questions about the medical technology industry with genuine representations of queer love and family life. Every twist and turn of the novel has family at its heart. The differing opinions of the parents, mothers Val and Julie, on the Pilot sets up a tense family dynamic, fraught with arguments and difficult conversations.
Unlike Elon Musk’s Neuralink or other brain stimulation devices that are designed to help people with disabilities, the Pilot has one core function: multitasking. It also claims to enhance the attention span of its users. Val and Julie have to consider whether they want their children Sophie and David to opt for this little-understood procedure.
The first part of the novel revolves around the anxieties of deciding whether or not you want your child to have an invasive procedure for the sake of keeping up with classmates. It touches on the theme of accessibility as Sophie has epilepsy, leaving her unable to have a Pilot implanted. The discussion of discrimination throughout the novel does well to address concerns that technology which could give some people an advantage might leave others behind.
The pace of the novel lends itself to character-building, with the first two parts spending time helping us understand each character’s motivations. Pinsker gives us a glimpse inside the minds of the characters, showing us how little they communicate their innermost thoughts and how this affects their family.
The technology in We Are Satellites is similar to an existing brain implant meant to enhance memory. Instead of enhancing memory, the Pilot works by stimulating the right temporoparietal junction in the brain, which is responsible for reorienting attention.
The focus of the novel isn’t how the technology works, however, but the implications it has for society. The Pilot’s popularity leaves those who don’t have it – because they can’t afford it, they object to having wires in their brain or they have a disability – at a disadvantage. No Pilot means less by way of job opportunities.
“We can never really be sure about the full ramifications of having wires and electrodes in the brain”
Far from being a doomy, dystopian novel about terrifying technology, We Are Satellites takes a balanced look at the pros and cons while maintaining healthy scepticism towards the medical technology sector. Through David, we are shown we can never really be sure about the ramifications of having wires and electrodes stuck in the brain – and how hard it can be to communicate exactly what is going on in your own head.
Sophie’s involvement in the anti-Pilot movement becomes another source of turmoil for the family as she embarks on a mission to discover the truth about the technology – no matter what the cost.
The story increases in pace during its third part, with several incredibly captivating chapters packed with action and tension as we begin to understand Sophie’s mistrust of the Pilot.
We Are Satellites is a story about technology with family at its heart. It’s not just about whether we trust scientists to stick things in our brain, or even what happens when technology goes wrong. It’s about what brain-enhancing could do for us, who it would exclude and what happens when a family becomes tangled up within the debate.
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Source: Humans - newscientist.com