When a beaked whale carcass washed up near her home, part of a mass stranding around the region, Mhairi Killin was inspired to launch an artistic challenge to the military’s impact in the area
10 August 2022
A “constellation” of data points showing where the dead whales washed up
Mhairi Killin
On Sonorous Seas
An exhibition led by Mhairi Killin in collaboration with others
An Tobar, Isle of Mull, UK
Closes 27 August
SOMETIMES art and science come together to raise our awareness of a compelling issue. One such occasion is a multimedia exhibition called On Sonorous Seas, led by artist Mhairi Killin and prompted by her experience of a mass stranding of dead whales.
At the An Tobar gallery on the Isle of Mull in the Inner Hebrides, UK, …
Source: Humans - newscientist.com