As buyers await the launch of a bicycle saddle that promises to be earthquake resistant, Feedback also ponders the sculptures set to be housed in a transparent cube on the moon, and key information on the errant mass of the W boson
20 April 2022
Josie Ford
Quaking on our bikes
Feedback doesn’t live in great fear of earthquakes. The last significant tremor in our neck of the woods – a 4.3-magnitude shocker that hit Folkestone, UK, in 2007 – was, according to one eyewitness, like someone was at the end of my bed hopping up and down. This is how it felt the last time the earth moved for us, too, although admittedly that was even further back.
Still, you can’t be too careful, and the past couple of years have taught us nothing if not the value of the precautionary principle, although possibly not even …
Source: Humans -