Feedback raises an eyebrow at the cap which reads brainwaves to help China detect pornography, while also investigating secret cannabis facilities in Australia – and grave-robbing badgers
27 July 2022
Josie Ford
Thought police
Maintaining China’s 73-year ban on pornography is a job of work, but a natty new piece of headgear may help. The government’s “porn appraisers” have now merely to cast their eyes over suspect material at speed, and their caps – a sort of wire-covered shower cap developed by researchers at Beijing Jiaotong University – will read their brainwaves and detect when something catches their salacious interest. PC Gamer wonders why the system is so far only 80 per cent accurate, suspecting it is because the training material comes pre-censored. But what if the erroneous results were false positives? Feedback …
Source: Humans -