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    The Milky Way’s most massive star cluster may have eaten a smaller cluster

    The Milky Way’s core harbors two giants: the galaxy’s largest black hole and a cluster of tens of millions of stars around the black hole that is denser and more massive than any other star cluster in the galaxy.
    Most of the cluster’s many stars shine within just 20 light-years of the galactic center and all together weigh about 25 million times as much as the sun. New observations suggest that this “nuclear star cluster” owes some of its brilliance to another big group of stars, or even a small galaxy, that the main cluster swallowed.
    Nuclear star clusters exist in many galaxies and are the densest star clusters in the universe. Astronomers are trying to figure out how these gatherings get so jam-packed and how they feed the giant black holes at the centers of galaxies.
    To get a look at the Milky Way’s core, Tuan Do, an astronomer at UCLA, and colleagues observed about 700 red giant stars within five light-years of the galaxy’s heart. Because dust between Earth and the galactic center blocks the stars’ visible light, the astronomers studied infrared wavelengths, which better penetrate the dust.

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    “We noticed a very curious thing about our data, which is that the stars with less metals than our sun seem to be moving differently than the stars with more metals,” Do says.
    About 7 percent of the stars in the nuclear star cluster revolve around the galactic center faster than their peers and do so around a different axis, the team found. The data on infrared wavelengths indicate that this fast-revolving population is only 30 percent as metal-rich as the sun. In contrast, most of the other stars in the nuclear star cluster have more metals than the sun.
    “This discovery shows that at least some of our nuclear star cluster must have been formed from things falling in,” Do says. A metal-poor star cluster thousands of light-years away from the galactic core probably sank into the main star cluster, he and his colleagues report online September 28 in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.
    Do says the infalling star cluster was the victim of dynamical friction, a process that can alter a star cluster’s path through space. In this process, the orbiting star cluster’s gravity attracts material that forms a wake behind it. The backward tug of this material’s gravity then causes the cluster to plunge closer and closer to the galactic center.
    Scott Tremaine, an astrophysicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., who was not involved in the work, calls the team’s data on the nuclear cluster’s stars unique. “I think by far the most natural explanation is that [the stars] do come from a cluster that’s spiraled in,” he says.
    In a companion study, team member Manuel Arca Sedda at Heidelberg University in Germany and colleagues ran computer models to simulate how a star cluster falling into the Milky Way’s nuclear star cluster could explain the new observations. These simulations indicate that such an event occurred less than 3 billion years ago, and that the devoured cluster was roughly a million times as massive as the sun, the researchers report in a second study also published September 28 in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.
    That mass is comparable to Omega Centauri, the Milky Way’s most massive globular cluster, a type of star grouping that’s dense but less extreme than nuclear star clusters. “It’s definitely a lot,” Do says. Just a dozen or so massive globular clusters could have populated the entire nuclear star cluster, he says.
    Still, many of the nuclear star cluster’s other stars may have been born in place at the galactic center. And the scientists can’t rule out that the gobbled-up victim was a dwarf galaxy. Both dwarf galaxies and globular clusters can possess a similar number of stars. But their stars have different ratios of chemical elements, so future observations of the nuclear star cluster may be able to distinguish between the two scenarios. More

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    When things look bleak, thinking in terms of ‘hope horizons’ can help

    By Annalee Newitz

    Tony Avelar/AP/Shutterstock

    OUTSIDE my window, the skies are brown and the sun is a deep reddish-orange. Unfortunately, that isn’t because I’ve moved off-world to a beautiful alien planet orbiting a red dwarf star.
    This is simply what “outside” looks like in San Francisco when vast swathes of the western US are on fire. Even the light itself is alarming. Its Mordor-esque gloom makes everything seem like it is the wrong colour. (For a striking image of California’s Bidwell Bar Bridge against the backdrop of the state’s wildfires,  (see “Wildfire nightmare captured in harrowing image of California burning“.) … More

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    Don't Miss: The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries

    By Gege Li
    Paradise Lost brings artist Jan Hendrix to London’s Kew Gardens from 3 October with an exhibition mourning Kamay Botany Bay in Australia. Kew founder Joseph Banks collected plants from it in 1770, when it was pristine.

    The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries is palaeontologist and geologist Donald Prothero’s entertaining guide to the past, present and future of living things – with nature’s more bizarre aspects to the fore.

    The Trustees Of The British Museum

    Objects of Crisis is a hybrid series of Zoom podcasts in which British Museum director Hartwig Fischer reveals objects – … More

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    The theory of evolution is a vibrant, living entity still in its prime

    Nicolle R. Fuller/Science Photo Library

    THE theory of evolution is one of the greatest accomplishments of the human intellect. Some might argue that it is the greatest, although quantum theory or relativity would have their supporters too. But in the biological sciences, it stands unrivalled. It is no less than the grand unified theory of life.
    It is also a theory in the truest sense of the word: an interlocking and consistent system of empirical observations and testable hypotheses that has never failed scrutiny. Nothing has even been discovered that falsifies any part of it, despite strenuous efforts by detractors. … More

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    Hope Frozen review: The hard ethics of cryogenically freezing a child

    Netflix’s Hope Frozen documentary follows a family in Thailand that cryogenically freezes their 2-year-old daughter’s brain after she dies, creating a controversy-fuelled media storm

    Humans 23 September 2020
    By Simon Ings
    Einz’s mother remembering her 2-year-old daughter

    Hope Frozen: A quest to live twice
    Pailin Wedel
    THE world – including this magazine – hasn’t shied away from expressing opinions about the Alcor Life Extension Foundation, the US non-profit founded by Fred and Linda Chamberlain in 1972 to freeze corpses and body parts in the hope of one day resurrecting the dead.
    Most observers are content with interrogating Alcor’s bizarre mission by asking if technologies for resurrection will ever be viable. This, of course, is a non-question: who knows what is around the corner? The successful freezing and thawing of a … More

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    US science news biased against people with names of non-British origin

    By Donna Lu
    A news stand in the New York subway in Manhattan
    MB Photo/Alamy

    News coverage in the US of scientific work is biased against researchers whose names aren’t of British origin.
    Hao Peng at the University of Michigan and his colleagues analysed more than 230,000 news stories from 288 US outlets, which reported on around 100,000 different research papers across all scientific fields.
    The team looked at whether the first authors of papers were mentioned in news coverage. Very often, these are junior researchers who have contributed most significantly to the work. Peng and his colleagues found that first authors who … More

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    Stellar winds hint at how planetary nebulae get their stunning shapes

    In their dying throes, some stars leave behind beautiful planetary nebulae — disk, spiral or even butterfly-shaped clouds of dust and gas (SN: 5/17/18).
    How these fantastically shaped clouds arise from round stars is a mystery. New observations of red giant stars suggest that massive planets or other objects orbiting dying stars help stir up stellar winds and shape planetary nebulae, researchers report in the Sept. 18 Science.
    “We were wondering how stars can get these beautiful shapes,” says Leen Decin, an astrophysicist at KU Leuven in Belgium. So she and her colleagues examined 14 stars in the red giant phase, before they become planetary nebulae. Data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array in Chile revealed that stellar winds — fast-moving flows of gas, dust and subatomic particles such as protons — ejected from the red giant stars have different shapes, including spirals, disks and cones.
    Mathematical calculations revealed that the mass and orbit of nearby objects, such as planets or another star, could be shaping these stellar winds. The researchers also made 3-D simulations based on the calculations. Stellar wind shapes created in the simulations largely matched those seen in the observations, the team found. The speed of the winds and how quickly a red giant loses mass as it slowly dies also play a role in making those shapes.
    Because planetary nebula shapes resemble these winds’ shapes, the researchers conclude that these same forces influence a nebula’s final shape, long before the nebula itself is created.  “The action of the shaping does not happen when the star becomes a planetary nebula,” Decin says, but is already happening hundreds of thousands to millions of years before, during the red giant phase. This means that it might be possible to predict the shapes of planetary nebulae long before they form, she says.
    Some aging red giant stars produce stellar winds in a range of shapes, including disks and spirals, as shown in these false-color images. (Red is stellar wind moving away from Earth; blue is stellar wind moving toward Earth).All images: L. Decin et al/Science 2020, ALMA/ESO
    Capturing the new images with the same telescope in “great detail and high resolution” gives researchers a way to compare the winds of these dying stars one another, says Quentin Parker, an astrophysicist at the University of Hong Kong. Even when scientists look at different stars, there seem to be some common causes of the various shapes seen in the winds, he says.
    Still, there’s sometimes too much time between the red giant phase and the planetary nebula phase to directly connect the two, Parker says. “Although companion objects may indeed play a major role in shaping both red giant winds and planetary nebula,” he says, it doesn’t mean that those stellar winds can always be used for “predicting what the planetary nebula will look like later.” More

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    People in Cape Verde evolved better malaria resistance in 550 years

    By Michael Le Page
    The human population of Santiago Island is evolving rapidly
    Peter Adams/Getty Images

    Yes, we are still evolving. And one of the strongest examples of recent evolution in people has been found on the Cape Verde islands in the Atlantic, where a gene variant conferring a form of malaria resistance has become more common.
    Portuguese voyagers settled the uninhabited islands in 1462, bringing slaves from Africa with them. Most of the archipelago’s half a million inhabitants are descended from these peoples.
    Most people of West African origin have a variant in a gene called DARC that protects against … More