Carbon-based quantum technology
Quantum technology is promising, but also perplexing. In the coming decades, it is expected to provide us with various technological breakthroughs: smaller and more precise sensors, highly secure communication networks, and powerful computers that can help develop new drugs and materials, control financial markets, and predict the weather much faster than current computing technology ever could.
To achieve this, we need so-called quantum materials: substances that exhibit pronounced quantum physical effects. One such material is graphene. This two-dimensional structural form of carbon has unusual physical properties, such as extraordinarily high tensile strength, thermal and electrical conductivity — as well as certain quantum effects. Restricting the already two-dimensional material even further, for instance, by giving it a ribbon-like shape, gives rise to a range of controllable quantum effects.
This is precisely what Mickael Perrin’s team leverage in their work: For several years now, scientists in Empa’s Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces laboratory, headed by Michel Calame, have been conducting research on graphene nanoribbons under Perrin’s leadership. “Graphene nanoribbons are even more fascinating than graphene itself,” explains Perrin. “By varying their length and width, as well as the shape of their edges, and by adding other atoms to them, you can give them all kinds of electrical, magnetic, and optical properties.”
Ultimate precision — down to single atoms
Research on the promising ribbons isn’t easy. The narrower the ribbon, the more pronounced its quantum properties are — but it also becomes more difficult to access a single ribbon at a time. This is precisely what must be done in order to understand the unique characteristics and possible applications of this quantum material and distinguish them from collective effects.
In a new study published recently in the journal Nature Electronics, Perrin and Empa researcher Jian Zhang, together with an international team, have succeeded for the first time in contacting individual long and atomically precise graphene nanoribbons. Not a trivial task: “A graphene nanoribbon that is just nine carbon atoms wide measures as little as 1 nanometer in width,” Zhang says. To ensure that only a single nanoribbon is contacted, the researchers employed electrodes of a similar size: They used carbon nanotubes that were also only 1 nanometer in diameter.
Precision is key for such a delicate experiment. It begins with the source materials. The researchers obtained the graphene nanoribbons via a strong and long-standing collaboration with Empa’s nanotech surfaces laboratory, headed by Roman Fasel. “Roman Fasel and his team have been working on graphene nanoribbons for a long time and can synthesize many different types with atomic precision from individual precursor molecules,” Perrin explains. The precursor molecules came from the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz. More