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    Joystick-operated robot could help surgeons treat stroke remotely

    MIT engineers have developed a telerobotic system to help surgeons quickly and remotely treat patients experiencing a stroke or aneurysm. With a modified joystick, surgeons in one hospital may control a robotic arm at another location to safely operate on a patient during a critical window of time that could save the patient’s life and preserve their brain function.
    The robotic system, whose movement is controlled through magnets, is designed to remotely assist in endovascular intervention — a procedure performed in emergency situations to treat strokes caused by a blood clot. Such interventions normally require a surgeon to manually guide a thin wire to the clot, where it can physically clear the blockage or deliver drugs to break it up.
    One limitation of such procedures is accessibility: Neurovascular surgeons are often based at major medical institutions that are difficult to reach for patients in remote areas, particularly during the “golden hour” — the critical period after a stroke’s onset, during which treatment should be administered to minimize any damage to the brain.
    The MIT team envisions that its robotic system could be installed at smaller hospitals and remotely guided by trained surgeons at larger medical centers. The system includes a medical-grade robotic arm with a magnet attached to its wrist. With a joystick and live imaging, an operator can adjust the magnet’s orientation and manipulate the arm to guide a soft and thin magnetic wire through arteries and vessels.
    The researchers demonstrated the system in a “phantom,” a transparent model with vessels replicating complex arteries of the brain. With just an hour of training, neurosurgeons were able to remotely control the robot’s arm to guide a wire through a maze of vessels to reach target locations in the model.
    “We imagine, instead of transporting a patient from a rural area to a large city, they could go to a local hospital where nurses could set up this system. A neurosurgeon at a major medical center could watch live imaging of the patient and use the robot to operate in that golden hour. That’s our future dream,” says Xuanhe Zhao, a professor of mechanical engineering and of civil and environmental engineering at MIT. More

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    Layered controls can significantly curb exposure to COVID-19

    As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, a team at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory set out to better understand how well face masks, ventilation, and physical distancing can cut down transmission of airborne pathogens like SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
    Using a new computational model that simulates the life cycle of pathogen-laden particles, the researchers found that a combination of distancing of six feet, universal mask-wearing, and increased room ventilation could reduce the risk of infection by more than 98 percent in more than 95 percent of scenarios studied.
    “Wide adoption of layered controls dramatically reduces exposure to existing airborne viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, and will be critical to control outbreaks of novel airborne viruses in the future,” said Laura Fierce, an atmospheric scientist formerly with Brookhaven Lab, now at DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. “These nonpharmaceutical interventions can be applied in combination with vaccinations.”
    The study is published in the journal Indoor Air. It focuses on how face masks and ventilation work alone and in combination with distancing to reduce the likelihood of someone inhaling virus-laden aerosol particles in particular scenarios — namely, where an infectious person is speaking continuously in an indoor space for three-hours — while also accounting for uncertainty in factors governing airborne transmission.
    Fierce collaborated with Alison Robey and Catherine Hamilton — who were participants in the DOE’s Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program at Brookhaven — to develop the model of respiratory aerosols and droplets used in the study. The model simulates how virus-laden particles move through the jet of air expelled by an infectious person and within the larger indoor space. It considers how expelled particles change in size as water evaporates, how pathogens within those particles become inactive, and how particles are removed through ventilation, deposition on surfaces, and gravitational settling.
    The researchers’ simulations showed that exposure to airborne pathogens is significantly lowered by individual controls, such as face masks. But layering controls — that is, using them in combination — can be even more effective. According to the study, the combination of universal mask-wearing and distancing of even just three feet reduced a susceptible person’s risk of infection by 99 percent. On the other hand, without the use of face masks, distancing of at least six feet was needed to avoid increased exposure to respiratory pathogens near an infectious person. The team also showed that increasing ventilation rates by completely replacing the air in a room with fresh or filtered air four times per hour reduces the risk of transmission by more than 70 percent, so long as the infectious person and susceptible person are distanced by at least six feet. On the other hand, ventilation does little to reduce the risk of infection when the infectious person is close by.
    “Our detailed modeling of respiratory particles shows how different controls on airborne transmission work in combination, which is important for prioritizing mitigation strategies for different indoor spaces,” Fierce said.
    This research was supported by the DOE Office of Science through the National Virtual Biotechnology Laboratory, a consortium of DOE national laboratories focused on response to COVID-19, with funding provided by the Coronavirus CARES Act. This project was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy through the Office of Science, Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) under the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships Program (SULI). The quadrature-based model was originally developed with support from the DOE Atmospheric System Research program.
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    Materials provided by DOE/Brookhaven National Laboratory. Original written by Kelly Zegers. Note: Content may be edited for style and length. More

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    How to compete with robots

    When it comes to the future of intelligent robots, the first question people ask is often: how many jobs will they make disappear? Whatever the answer, the second question is likely to be: how can I make sure that my job is not among them?
    In a study just published in Science Robotics, a team of roboticists from EPFL and economists from the University of Lausanne offers answers to both questions. By combining the scientific and technical literature on robotic abilities with employment and wage statistics, they have developed a method to calculate which of the currently existing jobs are more at risk of being performed by machines in the near future. Additionally, they have devised a method for suggesting career transitions to jobs that are less at risk and require smallest retraining efforts.
    “There are several studies predicting how many jobs will be automated by robots, but they all focus on software robots, such as speech and image recognition, financial robo-advisers, chatbots, and so forth. Furthermore, those predictions wildly oscillate depending on how job requirements and software abilities are assessed. Here, we consider not only artificial intelligence software, but also real intelligent robots that perform physical work and we developed a method for a systematic comparison of human and robotic abilities used in hundreds of jobs,” says Prof. Dario Floreano, Director of EPFL’s Laboratory of Intelligent System, who led the study at EPFL.
    The key innovation of the study is a new mapping of robot capabilities onto job requirements. The team looked into the European H2020 Robotic Multi-Annual Roadmap (MAR), a strategy document by the European Commission that is periodically revised by robotics experts. The MAR describes dozens of abilities that are required from current robot or may be required by future ones, ranging, organised in categories such as manipulation, perception, sensing, interaction with humans. The researchers went through research papers, patents, and description of robotic products to assess the maturity level of robotic abilities, using a well-known scale for measuring the level of technology development, “technology readiness level” (TRL).
    For human abilities, they relied on the O*net database, a widely-used resource database on the US job market, that classifies approximately 1,000 occupations and breaks down the skills and knowledge that are most crucial for each of them
    After selectively matching the human abilities from O*net list to robotic abilities from the MAR document, the team could calculate how likely each existing job occupation is to be performed by a robot. Say, for example, that a job requires a human to work at millimetre-level precision of movements. Robots are very good at that, and the TRL of the corresponding ability is thus the highest. If a job requires enough such skills, it will be more likely to be automated than one that requires abilities such as critical thinking or creativity.
    The result is a ranking of the 1,000 jobs, with “Physicists” being the ones who have the lowest risk of being replaced by a machine, and “Slaughterers and Meat Packers,” who face the highest risk. In general, jobs in food processing, building and maintenance, construction and extraction appear to have the highest risk.
    “The key challenge for society today is how to become resilient against automation” says Prof. Rafael Lalive. who co-led the study at the University of Lausanne. “Our work provides detailed career advice for workers who face high risks of automation, which allows them to take on more secure jobs while re-using many of the skills acquired on the old job. Through this advice, governments can support society in becoming more resilient against automation.”
    The authors then created a method to find, for any given job, alternative jobs that have a significantly lower automation risk and are reasonably close to the original one in terms of the abilities and knowledge they require — thus keeping the retraining effort minimal and making the career transition feasible. To test how that method would perform in real life, they used data from the US workforce and simulated thousands of career moves based on the algorithm’s suggestions, finding that it would indeed allow workers in the occupations with the highest risk to shift towards medium-risk occupations, while undergoing a relatively low retraining effort.
    The method could be used by governments to measure how many workers could face automation risks and adjust retraining policies, by companies to assess the costs of increasing automation, by robotics manufacturers to better tailor their products to the market needs; and by the public to identify the easiest route to reposition themselves on the job market.
    Finally, the authors translated the new methods and data into an algorithm that predicts the risk of automation for hundreds of jobs and suggests resilient career transitions at minimal retraining effort, publicly accessible at More

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    New polymer materials make fabricating optical interconnects easier

    Researchers have developed new polymer materials that are ideal for making the optical links necessary to connect chip-based photonic components with board-level circuits or optical fibers. The polymers can be used to easily create interconnects between photonic chips and optical printed circuit boards, the light-based equivalent of electronic printed circuit boards.
    “These new materials and the processes they enable could lead to powerful new photonic modules based on silicon photonics,” said research team leader Robert Norwood from the University of Arizona. “They could also be useful for optical sensing or making holographic displays for augmented and virtual reality applications.”
    Silicon photonics technology allows light-based components to be integrated onto a tiny chip. Although many of the basic building blocks of silicon photonic devices have been demonstrated, better methods are needed to fabricate the optical connections that link these components together to make more complex systems.
    In the journal Optical Materials Express, the researchers report new polymer materials that feature a refractive index that can be adjusted with ultraviolet (UV) light and low optical losses. These materials allow a single-mode optical interconnect to be printed directly into a dry film material using a low cost, high throughput lithography system that is compatible with the CMOS manufacturing techniques used to make chip-based photonic components.
    “This technology makes it more practical to fabricate optical interconnects, which can be used to make the Internet — especially the data centers that make it run — more efficient,” said Norwood. “Compared to their electronic counterparts, optical interconnects can increase data throughput while also generating less heat. This reduces power consumption and cooling requirements.”
    Replacing wires with light
    The research expands on a vinylthiophenol polymer material system known as S-BOC that the investigators developed previously. This material has a refractive index that can be modified using UV illumination. In the new work, the researchers partially fluorinated S-BOC to improve its light efficiency. The new material system, called FS-BOC, exhibits lower optical propagation losses than many other optical interconnect materials. More

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    Better coaching needed to prevent burnout among video gaming pros

    Early research into the growing electronic sports (esports) industry highlights a need for better coaching to prevent burnout among professional players.
    The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Waterloo, identified several areas, including player fatigue, mental stress and peak performance conditions, that require in-depth research to improve coaching and player performance.
    “They burn out because they spend long hours sitting at desks playing and training,” said Bader Sabtan, a systems design engineering PhD student who led the study. “It results in all kinds of problems, from mental health issues to back and wrist injuries.”
    In a survey of professional League of Legends teams, it was found there are virtually no standardized coaching approaches or techniques to guide young players.
    Instead, players work to remain competitive in the constantly changing team battle video game, one of several with lucrative fan followings around the world, by practicing 12 to 14 hours a day, six days a week.
    Professional esports fill stadiums with spectators as players, who average just 18 to 20 years of age, compete at computers while their games are shown on giant screens. One championship event in 2018 drew almost 100 million online viewers.
    The researchers focused on League of Legends, which has 47 pro teams in North America, Europe, Korea and China. Players can earn more than $400,000 a year, but rarely have careers that last beyond three or four years.
    Coaches who participated in the study unanimously agreed that methods must be developed to make practice more efficient and strategic to reduce the demands on players.
    “I was surprised to learn even top professional coaches don’t have systematic training methods,” said Shi Cao, a systems design engineering professor and a member of the Games Institute at Waterloo. “Nothing is supported by scientific evidence or research.
    “Just as physiology and kinesiology research supports traditional sports, cognitive psychology and human factors engineering can support mental work like esports,” said Cao, an esports fan and recreational player.
    Sabtan can personally relate to the relentless demands on the best players. A few years ago, he was in the top one per cent of League of Legends players and spent up to 50 hours a week practicing to stay there.
    “Right now, there is no other option,” Sabtan said. “The required sharpness, game knowledge and reaction speed are only achieved by practicing and repetition, so they just play the game. They don’t have social lives. They don’t have girlfriends or boyfriends. It’s unsustainable.”
    Story Source:
    Materials provided by University of Waterloo. Note: Content may be edited for style and length. More

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    Researchers generate high-quality quantum light with modular waveguide device

    For the first time, researchers have successfully generated strongly nonclassical light using a modular waveguide-based light source. The achievement represents a crucial step toward creating faster and more practical optical quantum computers.
    “Our goal is to dramatically improve information processing by developing faster quantum computers that can perform any type of computation without errors,” said research team member Kan Takase from the University of Tokyo. “Although there are several ways to create a quantum computer, light-based approaches are promising because the information processor can operate at room temperature and the computing scale can be easily expanded.”
    In the Optica Publishing Group journal Optics Express, a multi-institutional team of researchers from Japan describe the waveguide optical parametric amplifier (OPA) module they created for quantum experiments. Combining this device with a specially designed photon detector allowed them to generate a state of light known as Schrödinger cat, which is a superposition of coherent states.
    “Our method for generating quantum light can be used to increase the computing power of quantum computers and to make the information processer more compact,” said Takase. “Our approach outperforms conventional methods, and the modular waveguide OPA is easy to operate and integrate into quantum computers.”
    Generating strongly nonclassical light
    Continuous wave squeezed light is used to generate the various quantum states necessary to perform quantum computing. For the best computing performance, the squeezed light source must exhibit very low levels of light loss and be broadband, meaning it includes a wide range of frequencies. More

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    Scientists find 'knob' to control magnetic behavior in quantum material

    Magnetism, one of the oldest technologies known to humans, is at the forefront of new-age materials that could enable next-generation lossless electronics and quantum computers. Researchers led by Penn State and the university of California, San Diego have discovered a new ‘knob’ to control the magnetic behavior of one promising quantum material, and the findings could pave the way toward novel, efficient and ultra-fast devices.
    “The unique quantum mechanical make-up of this material — manganese bismuth telluride — allows it to carry lossless electrical currents, something of tremendous technological interest,” said Hari Padmanabhan, who led the research as a graduate student at Penn State. “What makes this material especially intriguing is that this behavior is deeply connected to its magnetic properties. So, a knob to control magnetism in this material could also efficiently control these lossless currents.”
    Manganese bismuth telluride, a 2D material made of atomically thin stacked layers, is an example of a topological insulator, exotic materials that simultaneously can be insulators and conductors of electricity, the scientists said. Importantly, because this material is also magnetic, the currents conducted around its edges could be lossless, meaning they do not lose energy in the form of heat. Finding a way to tune the weak magnetic bonds between the layers of the material could unlock these functions.
    Tiny vibrations of atoms, or phonons, in the material may be one way to achieve this, the scientists reported April 8 in the journal Nature Communications.
    “Phonons are tiny atomic wiggles — atoms dancing together in various patterns, present in all materials,” Padmanabhan said. “We show that these atomic wiggles can potentially function as a knob to tune the magnetic bonding between the atomic layers in manganese bismuth telluride.”
    The scientists at Penn State studied the material using a technique called magneto-optical spectroscopy — shooting a laser onto a sample of the material and measuring the color and intensity of the reflected light, which carries information on the atomic vibrations. The team observed how the vibrations changed as they altered the temperature and magnetic field. More

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    AI can predict probability of COVID-19 vs flu based on symptoms

    Testing shortages, long waits for results, and an over-taxed health care system have made headlines throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. These issues can be further exacerbated in small or rural communities in the US and globally. Additionally, respiratory symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever and cough are also associated with the flu, which complicates non-lab diagnoses during certain seasons. A new study by College of Health and Human Services researchers is designed to help identify which symptoms are more likely to indicate COVID during flu season. This is the first study to take seasonality into account.
    Farrokh Alemi, principal investigator and professor of Health Administration and Policy, and other Mason researchers predict the probability that a patient has COVID-19, flu, or another respiratory illness prior to testing, depending on the season. This can help clinicians triage patients who are most suspected of having COVID-19.
    “When access to reliable COVID testing is limited or test results are delayed, clinicians, especially those who are community-based, are more likely to rely on signs and symptoms than on laboratory findings to diagnose COVID-19,” said Alemi, who observed these challenges at points throughout the pandemic. “Our algorithm can help health care providers triage patient care while they are waiting on lab testing or help prioritize testing if there are testing shortages.”
    The findings suggest that community-based health care providers should follow different signs and symptoms for diagnosing COVID depending on the time of year. Outside of flu season, fever is an even stronger predictor of COVID than during flu season. During flu season, a person with a cough is more likely to have the flu than COVID. The study showed that assuming anyone with a fever during flu season has COVID would be incorrect. The algorithm relied on different symptoms for patients in different age and gender. The study also showed that symptom clusters are more important in diagnosis of COVID-19 than symptoms alone.
    The algorithms were created by analyzing the symptoms reported by 774 COVID patients in China and 273 COVID patients in the United States. The analysis also included 2,885 influenza and 884 influenza-like illnesses in US patients. “Modeling the Probability of COVID-19 Based on Symptom Screening and Prevalence of Influenza and Influenza-Like Illnesses” was published in Quality Management in Health Care’s April/June 2022 issue. The rest of the research team is also from Mason: Professor of Global Health and Epidemiology Health Amira Roess, Affiliate Faculty Jee Vang, and doctoral candidate Elina Guralnik.
    “Though helpful, the algorithms are too complex to expect clinicians to perform these calculations while providing care. The next step is to create an AI, web-based, calculator that can be used in the field. This would allow clinicians to arrive at a presumed diagnosis prior to the visit,” said Alemi. From there, clinicians can make triage decisions on how to care for the patient while waiting for official lab results.
    The study does not include any COVID-19 patients without respiratory symptoms, which includes asymptomatic people. Additionally, the study did not differentiate between the first and second week of onset of symptoms, which can vary.
    This research was a prototype of how existing data can be used to find signature symptoms of a new disease. The methodology may have relevance beyond this pandemic.
    “When there is a new outbreak, collecting data is time consuming. Rapid analysis of existing data can reduce the time to differentiate presentation of new diseases from illnesses with overlapping symptoms. The method in this paper is useful for rapid response to the next pandemic,” said Alemi.
    Story Source:
    Materials provided by George Mason University. Original written by Mary Cunningham. Note: Content may be edited for style and length. More