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    Don't Miss: Netflix original anime Eden is a sci-fantasy with robots

    CBBC Don’t Blame Me, Blame My Brain
    Don’t Blame Me, Blame My Brain is a children’s show on CBBC, fuelled by unusual, out-there questions. Is it possible to catapult yourself to the moon? Or talk to dogs? Comedians Ken Cheng and Leila Navabi have answers – maybe.

    Shape: The hidden geometry of absolutely everything helps explain important ideas and problems, according to its author, maths whizz Jordan Ellenberg. These include everything from the spread of the coronavirus to the rise of machine learning.
    Eden is the name of a city built by machines after humanity’s fall in Netflix’s new anime series. When two robots discover a human girl while on a routine assignment, they decide to bring her up in secret. Released on 27 May. More

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    In Silico review: The ambitious project to recreate the human brain

    By Simon Ings

    A virtual model of a mouse neocortex seen in In SilicoCourtesy of Sandbox Films
    In Silico
    Noah Hutton


    Available on demand in the US and Canada
    SHORTLY after gaining a neuroscience degree, young film-maker Noah Hutton fell into the orbit of Henry Markram, a neuroscientist based at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne.
    Markram models brains in all their complexity. His working assumption is that since the brain is an organ, a sufficiently good computer model ought to reveal its workings, just as “in-silico” models of kidneys, livers and hearts enrich our under standing.
    The world is filled with people who seem to think in different ways. Much as we might want to understand this full diversity, no one is going to dig about in a living human. Markram hopes that a computer model will offer an ethically acceptable route.
    So far, so reasonable. Except that, in 2009, Markram said he would build a working computer model of the brain in 10 years. This was during a TED talk about his Blue Brain Project (BBP), set up in 2005 to model the mouse brain.
    Every year for well over a decade, Hutton interviewed Markram, his colleagues and his critics as the project expanded and the deadline shifted. Hutton’s film, In Silico, is the result.
    Markram’s vision transfixed purseholders across the European Union: in 2013, he won €1 billion of public cash to set up the Human Brain Project (HBP).
    “It is within our power to model some organs. But the brain isn’t an organ in the usual sense”
    Although his tenure at its Geneva headquarters didn’t last long, Markram is hardly the first founder to be wrested from the controls of their institute. His BBP endures: its in-silico model of the mouse neocortex is visually astounding.
    Perhaps that is the problem. In a voice-over, Hutton says the HBP has become a special-effects house, a shrine to touchscreens and VR headsets, but lacks meaning “outside this glass and steel building in Geneva”.
    We have heard such criticisms before. What about how the CERN particle physics lab sucks funds from the rest of physics? There is no shortage of disgruntled junior researchers blaming it for failed grant applications. CERN, however, gets results; HBP, not so much.
    The problem runs deep. It is within our power to model some organs, but the brain isn’t an organ in the usual sense. By any engineering measure, it looks inefficient. A spike in the neurons can trigger the release of this neurotransmitter, except when it releases another one – or does nothing. There is bound to be some commonality in brain anatomy, but so far research shows that every brain is like a beautiful, unique snowflake.
    The HBP’s models generate noise, just like real brains. In the film, there is a vague mention of “emergent properties”. Yet linking that noise to brain activity is an intellectual Get Out of Jail Free card if ever there was one: no one knows what this noise means, so there is no way to tell if the model is making the right noise.
    Deep learning guru Terrence Sejnowski, who is based at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California, tells Hutton that the whole caper is a bad joke – if successful, Markram will only generate a simulation “every bit as mysterious as the brain itself”.
    Hutton accompanies us into the yawning gap between Markram’s reasonable ambitions and the promises he makes to attract funds. It is a film made on a budget of nothing, and it isn’t pretty. But Hutton makes up for all that with the sharpest of scripts.

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    How the way you move can change the way you think and feel

    New research suggests the connection between exercise and the brain goes deeper than you might think. These six kinds of movement can help make you more creative, boost your self-esteem and reach altered states of consciousness


    19 May 2021

    By Caroline Williams

    Sergio Membrillas
    FILTER-FEEDERS aside, humans are the only creatures that can get away with sitting around all day. As a species, we have been remarkably successful at devising ways to feed, entertain ourselves and even find mates, all while barely lifting a finger.
    True, this is a sign of just how clever and adaptable we are. But there is a huge cost to our sedentary ways, not only to our bodies, but also our minds. Falling IQs and the rise in mental health conditions have both been linked to our lack of physical movement.
    But the connection between movement and the brain goes deeper than you might think. A revolutionary new understanding of the mind-body connection is revealing how our thoughts and emotions don’t just happen inside our heads, and that the way we move has a profound influence on how our minds operate. This opens up the possibility of using our bodies as tools to change the way we think and feel.
    Evidence is starting to stack up that this is indeed the case, and it isn’t all about doing more exercise. In my new book, Move! The new science of body over mind, I explore emerging research in evolutionary biology, physiology, neuroscience and cell biology to find out which body movements affect the mind and why.
    Whatever it is that you want from your mind – more creativity, improved resilience or higher self-esteem – the evidence shows that there is a way of moving the body that can help. Here is my pick of the best ways to use your body to achieve a healthier, better-functioning mind.
    Get on your … More

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    Did you know? Laughing gas may have ended the last glacial period

    By Alexander McNamara
    and Matt Hambly

    Monica Bertolazzi/Getty Images
    Laughing gas, otherwise known as nitrous oxide, has been used as an anaesthetic since the 19th century. These days, it is most commonly found in small, steel cartridges sold to the catering industry for making whipped cream. However, nitrous oxide is also a potent greenhouse gas and ozone-depleting chemical. Although it is present in the atmosphere at much lower concentrations than carbon dioxide – just 330 parts per billion – it has 300 times the heat-trapping capability. Indeed, a pulse of nitrous oxide released from plants 14,500 years ago may have hastened the end of the last glaciation.
    We don’t necessarily yawn because we are tired
    Gints Ivuskans / Alamy
    We tend to think of yawning as a sign of being tired or bored. That probably explains the popular perception that it is a way to get more oxygen into the blood to increase alertness. However, psychologist Robert Provine at the University of Maryland tested this idea and found people were just as likely to yawn when breathing air high in oxygen. A closer look at when people yawn suggests another explanation. It turns out that most spontaneous yawning actually happens when we are limbering up for activity such as a workout, performance or exam, or simply when we wake up. That has led to the idea that yawning helps us gear up by increasing blood flow to the brain.


    The placebo effect can depend on whether a pill is colourful
    Derek Croucher / Alamy
    The placebo effect is the mysterious reduction in a patient’s medical symptoms via the power of suggestion or expectation, the cause of which remains unexplained. However, what we do know is that a number of different factors can affect the power of the placebo effect. It can be triggered by administering pills, injections or surgery, or even just an authority figure assuring a patient that a treatment will be effective. In fact, experiments have shown that the power of the placebo effect depends on surprising factors like the appearance of tablets. For example, colourful pills work better as a placebo than white ones.
    Some people can taste music
    Anna Bizon / Alamy
    Forget feeling the music, some of us can actually taste it. Around one in 20 of us have synaesthesia, a condition that creates a strange connection between our senses. For these people, words may take on certain colours and music may have a particular taste or texture.
    Although we aren’t certain of the causes of this unusual condition, studies have given us some idea of what is happening. As infants, our brains’ cells have millions of connections that are pruned away as we get older. Some studies suggest that people with synaesthesia have genetic variations that prevent this pruning from happening normally in certain brain regions, giving them unusual connections between sensory areas.
    Being stronger reduces your risk of death
    Javier Sanchez Mingorance / Alam
    Here’s the motivation you need for your next trip to the gym: having stronger muscles reduces the risk of dying of any cause, and is especially important in preventing type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Broadly speaking, exercise of any kind is good for you, but unlike aerobic fitness regimes, strength training also helps to build bone, which can decrease your risk of osteoporosis. It can even help to prevent cognitive decline and memory loss in old age. Maintaining and improving your strength throughout life has become such an important, yet forgotten, aspect of general fitness that the UK government recently placed it above aerobic exercise in its new guidelines.
    We have 19 different smiles but only one is ‘genuine’
    Superb Images/Getty Images
    The 42 facial muscles it takes to break out into a grin are capable of producing 19 different types of smile, but, according to French anatomist Duchenne de Boulogne, only one is ‘genuine’. In 1862 Duchenne identified that the difference between a genuine smile and a fake one lay in the eyes — the orbicularis oculi — to be precise. All smiling involves contraction of the zygomatic major muscles, which lifts the corners of the mouth. But a Duchenne smile is characterised by the additional contraction of the orbicularis oculi, crumpling the skin around the eyes into crows’ feet. Largely overlooked at the time, the Duchenne smile’s reputation has grown. In the 1950s a study found that Duchenne smilers had a 70 per cent chance of living until age 80 compared with 50 per cent for non-smilers. However, more recent findings have suggested that smiles don’t necessarily indicate that we are happy, but instead signal collaboration or bonding.

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    Isotope study hints ancient Greeks used foreign fighters in key battle

    By Krista Charles

    The Temple of Victory at Himera, Sicily, constructed after the first Battle of Himera in 480 BCKatherine Reinberger
    The ancient Greeks relied on help from non-Greek mercenaries when it came to fighting their enemies, suggests an analysis of bodies in 2500-year-old mass graves.
    The western Mediterranean witnessed several conflicts between about 2600 and 2300 years ago as a number of Greek-led city-states – including Syracuse on the island of Sicily – fought against the Carthaginians, whose base of power lay in what is now Tunisia. The Sicilian wars were documented by contemporary writers, including Herodotus in his book The Histories. But given that Herodotus was Greek, it is possible that his accounts of the conflicts may have been biased to paint the Greek fighters in a favourable light.


    In particular, Herodotus suggests that in 480 BC, during the first Battle of Himera, local soldiers received aid from other Greek allies and successfully defeated the Carthaginians. But during a second battle in 409 BC, the local soldiers went unaided and the city of Himera fell to the Carthaginians.
    Following the recent discovery of eight mass graves associated with the Battles of Himera, it is now possible to explore whether Herodotus’s account was faithful or not.
    Katherine Reinberger at the University of Georgia and her colleagues analysed strontium and oxygen isotopes from the tooth enamel of 62 individuals from the mass graves, which can reveal whether someone was born and raised locally or not.

    The team’s analysis revealed that some historical claims could be validated – there were two battles, about two thirds of the Himeran forces in the first conflict weren’t local while only a quarter in the second battle weren’t from there, and Greek soldiers from outside of the city did fight alongside local Himerans. But the contemporary accounts weren’t entirely accurate: the isotope evidence suggests that many of the non-local soldiers weren’t actually Greek, but came from across the Mediterranean.
    “Finding evidence of people who were foreign and maybe not even Greek is unusual and interesting and sort of indicates that maybe ancient communities, and definitely ancient armies, could have been more diverse than we originally thought,” says Reinberger. These foreign soldiers might have been hired mercenaries, she says.
    “Isotopic studies suggest that these could have been people hired all the way from the Catalan coast, from the Iberian peninsula, or from mainland Greece or even from the Black Sea coast,” says Mario Novak at the Institute for Anthropological Research in Croatia.
    “So, this could have been either Greeks but also some Indigenous people that classical sources considered barbarians. Obviously, these ‘barbarians’ were much more incorporated into the everyday lives of the “proper” Greeks than previously thought,” he says.
    The team theorises that historical accounts downplayed the involvement of foreign mercenaries in order to create a more Greek-centric narrative and align the victory of the first battle with Greek successes against other forces they were facing at the time, including the Persians under Xerxes the Great.
    Journal reference: PLoS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248803
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    Claudia Marcelloni, CERN
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    Toni Marinov/Alamy
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    Rubber slabs washed up in Brazil traced to second world war shipwreck

    By Karina Shah

    Bales of rubber like this one washed up on Brazilian shores during 2018Carlos Teixeira at Federal University of Ceará
    Unidentified packages that appeared along the Brazilian coast in 2018 have been confirmed as bales of natural rubber coming from a German shipwreck from the second world war.
    Throughout 2018, around 200 square packages washed up along 1600 kilometres of the Brazilian coastline from the states of Maranhão to Sergipe. Each weighed up to 200 kilograms and they ranged in size from 0.06 to 3.4 cubic metres. They caused considerable public concern as people were unsure what they were made … More

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    Cerne Abbas Giant may have been carved into hill over 1000 years ago

    By Michael Marshall

    The Cerne Abbas GiantNational Trust Images/Mike Calnan/James Dobson
    A mysterious chalk carving of a huge, naked man on an English hillside was made in the 10th century, according to the first attempt to archaeologically date the giant. The finding is unexpected because the earliest mentions of the Cerne Abbas Giant are from just over 300 years ago, suggesting it was forgotten for centuries.
    Historians and archaeologists had many ideas about when the giant was constructed, says team member Mike Allen, an independent geoarchaeologist at Allen Environmental Archaeology in Codford, UK. “Everyone was wrong.”


    The giant is carved into a hillside overlooking the village of Cerne Abbas in southern England. It is a figure of a man with a large, erect penis, holding a club. It was made by digging trenches into the hillside, then filling them with white chalk.
    The earliest known reference to the giant is from 1694, from the records of the church in Cerne Abbas. The giant is absent from earlier records, notably a 1617 survey of the area by John Norden, who was famously thorough.
    Historians have argued for decades over when the giant was created and what it represents. Some believe it was made in the 1600s, in line with the historical records, while others think it dates to Roman times.

    Allen is part of a team that carried out excavations on the giant in 2020, with the support of its owner, the National Trust. The researchers dug in the soles of both its feet and the crooks of its elbows.
    The team looked for grains of quartz in the chalk and in the soil next to the trenches. A method called optically stimulated luminescence dating could then be used to determine when the quartz was last exposed to sunlight.
    Using the technique, the researchers dated the oldest chalk to between AD 650 and 1310. The giant was probably created sometime between these dates, with the year AD 980 falling in the middle of that window. In theory, the giant might be older, because the chalking has been replaced several times. But the soil data suggests not. The oldest date for the soil is AD 700 to 1100. “[The giant] cannot be older than that,” says Allen.
    Intriguingly, a Benedictine monastery was founded in Cerne Abbas in the late 10th century. Allen speculates that the giant might represent a response to that.
    “It would almost seem to be an act of resistance by local people to create this fantastically rude pagan image on the hillside,” says Alison Sheridan, a freelance archaeological consultant based in Edinburgh, UK. “It’s like a big two fingers to the abbey.”
    It isn’t clear why there are no mentions of the giant for centuries. Allen says other findings from the excavation hint there was a time when the site was covered with long grass, suggesting the giant became overgrown and invisible.
    However, Timothy Darvill at Bournemouth University, UK, says prehistoric monuments were often ignored. “Even sites like Stonehenge don’t get that much mention,” he says.
    The giant is one of only three surviving “ancient” hill figures in England. The others are the Long Man at Wilmington and the Uffington White Horse. Only the horse can safely be said to be prehistoric, however.
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