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    Psychedelic skies over Chile reveal the full extent of light pollution

    An image taken by astronomer Juan Carlos Munoz of the night sky above Santiago, Chile, uses optical techniques to reveal the extent of light pollution in major cities even while under lockdown Technology 27 May 2020 THIS kaleidoscopic shot of the night sky above Santiago, Chile, was taken during the city’s lockdown and shows the […] More

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    Neanderthal DNA linked to higher fertility in modern humans

    Existing subscribers, please log in with your email address to link your account access. Paid annually by Credit Card Inclusive of applicable taxes (VAT) *Free gift is only available with quarterly and annual subscription purchases where subscription delivery is in the United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Euro area More

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    Coronavirus is evolving. Knowing how could help us stop the pandemic

    Viruses, like the coronavirus causing covid-19, can evolve rapidly. Knowing how and why they change should help us beat this pandemic and prevent future ones Health 20 May 2020 SEVERAL weeks before the novel coronavirus became a serious issue in the UK, I attended a friend’s birthday party. Already, much of the conversation centred on […] More

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    Don't miss: The science of taking a stroll

    New Scientist’s weekly round-up of the best books, films, TV series, games and more that you shouldn’t miss Health 20 May 2020 Visit online Arctic: culture and climate is an exhibition at the British Museum covering everything from 28,000-year-old mammoth ivory jewellery to modern snow mobiles. Though it has been postponed, you can now view […] More

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    13 lockdown cooking projects and the science of how they work

    During this spell of enforced confinement, many of us have found a renewed enthusiasm for cooking and baking. Recipes that normally seem too time-consuming now feel like a thoroughly relaxing way to pass the time, and making yourself delicious things to eat is an easy way to bring joy in a period when we are […] More